Friday, March 5, 2010

InDesign Videos

Before watching these videos I did not even know what Adobe InDesign was. So I learned the very basics of the program and that it is used for editing or creating graphic design work as well as professional literature. I learned the difference between the black and white selection tool and that you can crop on an angle. I did not retain much information from the working with text video because I had nothing to connect the information to and did not understand the reasons behind the editing he did. The text style short cuts were helpful and seem to be a useful time saver. The first part of the bullet and numbering video seemed very familiar to how those options work in word but the different bullet levels and numbering across unthreaded frames was way over my head. The text wrap demonstration also seems like it would be very helpful and I would like to try it.

The video about making selections was the most helpful because this is something I would utilize a lot in this program. I can't think of anything right now that I would use this program for where I would need to know more advanced ways of manipulating text.

I felt that I got the most out of the demonstrations by Anne-Marie Conception. This is partly due to me finding the information she discussed most relevant. Her speech pattern, the tone of her voice, and the pauses she took made it much easier to follow. David Blatner said a lot of information in a short time and I had a little trouble keeping up, his voice sounded very rushed. Terry White and Colin Fleming were a little easier to listen to.

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