Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Comments

first response:

second response:

third response:

A. How did you decide which blogs to review?

The first blog was assigned, the second was a name I knew, and the third was a name that I didn't recognize.

B. Why did you select the individual postings to comment on?

I choose to view the postings where we were required to talk about ourselves. I feel this is far more interesting and I see people around a lot after being in class with them but there isn't always a good opportunity to know them better, this was a good opportunity to do that a little.

C. How could you use a Blog in your classroom as a communication tool? If not, why not?

The blog could be used between students if they are struggling with something in class and may not feel comfortable asking in person while in class. Or it could be a place where students may make suggestions to the teacher about a certain project or approach. Ultimately, I would hope that students feel comfortable enough to have these conversations with me in person, I feel I would struggle attending to a blog as a teacher and would rather have in person class discussions.

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