Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Portfolio Reference


I know that throughout my portfolio design I will be referencing this website. I find the video tutorials very helpful because they show you exactly how things are done while explaining verbally. InDesign is a challenging program for me and I know that I will reference this website more than once, for more than one video!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Comments

first response:


second response:


third response:


A. How did you decide which blogs to review?

The first blog was assigned, the second was a name I knew, and the third was a name that I didn't recognize.

B. Why did you select the individual postings to comment on?

I choose to view the postings where we were required to talk about ourselves. I feel this is far more interesting and I see people around a lot after being in class with them but there isn't always a good opportunity to know them better, this was a good opportunity to do that a little.

C. How could you use a Blog in your classroom as a communication tool? If not, why not?

The blog could be used between students if they are struggling with something in class and may not feel comfortable asking in person while in class. Or it could be a place where students may make suggestions to the teacher about a certain project or approach. Ultimately, I would hope that students feel comfortable enough to have these conversations with me in person, I feel I would struggle attending to a blog as a teacher and would rather have in person class discussions.

Monday, April 5, 2010



I could definitely see my classroom being a part of the Adobe Youth Project. The information given about the project presents endless ideas for lessons in media art. At the very start of a lesson that would be a part of this project I would show this link to my students. By them seeing for themselves what other people in the world are doing and how they can relate may make more sense to them why it is an important aspect of their own learning.


This is a great tool to provide students with as a way to research for classroom projects. If students can safely access information we could use this in the classroom as a way to brainstorm.


This link was really interesting on a current, personal level for someone looking to sub. While one teacher was home sick she started a post discussing what are some good things to leave behind for a sub, then a lot of substitute teachers commented sharing their successes and failures.

Self-Portrait Qs

Teri Drennan

What is a self-portrait?
A self-portrait is a physical representation of a person’s core characteristics; the individual who is the subject creates it.

What are the distinctive things that make me "me"?
I have had some very unique experiences and have learned a variety of things from some very amazing people. I am hard working and loyal. I like to challenge myself and be pushed outside of my comfort zone. I started dance lessons when I was three, cello lessons when I was eight, and have been experimenting with art since I was able to draw on the walls. My immediate family is one of the most important aspects of my life and I look forward to starting my own.

How do I want people to see me?
However they choose to. I’ve learned that trying to be what others want all the time is a waste of energy. I strive to be the most respectful and honest I can be with all the people I meet, the rest is up to them.

How can I express my many different sides?
For this self-portrait project I have a variety of photos, capturing different aspects of my life. The placement, the interaction between the photos, and the language used will demonstrate my different sides. I can relate my life to the waves of the ocean. Sometimes are larger than life and very intense while other moments drift by calmly, tranquilly.

How can I reinvent myself for various purposes or times in my life?
Reinvention for me occurs when I remain entirely in the moment. When all of my attention is focused on the task at hand I am open to change, growth, and am able to put my best foot forward.

How am I changing from day to day or year to year?
Not at all how I would have expected. I tend to lean towards the overly analytical personality and constantly assume I know how things will turn out depending on certain actions. All I know is that I am certainly changing, I love every aspect of the change and I definitely don’t know how things will turn out.

Who do I want to become?
A positive influence on the world, a mother.