Friday, February 26, 2010

Logo Design Help

While browsing I found this website click . There are some great examples of how shapes are manipulated in order to represent multiple meanings. I don't have very much experience with 2-D design so seeing these really helped give me some ideas of how to experiment visually, combining concepts.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Helpful site for Lesson Plan #1

This is a link to a high school biology WebQuest. I found this while exploring the site and it helped to generate ideas for what my lesson will involve.

The WebQuest takes a very complex concept in science and breaks it down into simple steps so that the students can discover the information on their own. I immediately related this to how Tara Donovan works. Mimicking the building structures in nature she will build in a similar manner with unnatural materials. Before this happens she must understand the natural process that occurs.

I will use this WebQuest as a reference when I design my own that will require students to discover how natural structures grow, break down the process, and apply it to their own art making.

Friday, February 5, 2010

#1 Lab Project

While browsing this resource I thought learning how to create my own template would be the most helpful. It was difficult for me to follow step by step since the resource was referring to powerpoint version 2008 and mine is a little older, but it guided me through some options I didn't know existed. I normally like to fumble around with something new, make my own mistakes and discover new information. Having this site to refer to helped me do that as well as pushing me further than I would've ventured without it.

The advantage of being able to extensively alter the template is to present something that is truly visually cohesive. Taking this into consideration when presenting an art class with a new artist or other art idea demonstrates how versatile the design elements are. It is also important for a teacher to display this technique, showing their own understanding of art. As an art teacher I hope to reassure my students that I have knowledge that is worthwhile to them.

I choose to design a template that reflects my interpretation of the artist, Tara Donovan, and what she hopes to achieve with her work. The choices I made will hopefully reflect a modern interpretation of natural objects.